
Monday, August 2, 2010

Pityriasis Lichenoides


Further Outpatient Care

Patients with a waxing and waning course of Mucha-Habermann disease require follow-up monitoring and additional treatment depending on the severity of the disease.
Regarding the questionable potential for malignant transformation, some authors have suggested that follow-up biopsy should be performed on lesions that last longer than 1 year and are refractory to treatment.


No preventive methods have been identified.


Ulceronecrotic pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA) can lead to scarring.


No clear consensus has been formed regarding duration of the disease, but most cases tend to resolve over time.


Medicolegal Pitfalls

A diagnosis of lymphomatoid papulosis should not be missed because of the theoretical possibility of subsequent development of a myeloproliferative disorder. Biopsies should be obtained to confirm a diagnosis of PLEVA.
Patients must be told that lesions may take time to resolve and that the duration of the disease cannot be predicted.

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