
Thursday, July 1, 2010

FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists of South Africa

29 August 2007

Paper I Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is

required for the one answer)

1 a) What is infective dermatitis and what is the evidence that it is a distinctive


b) Moisturisers are widely used in dermatology. Discuss evidence for their

usefulness and effect on skin barrier function.

c) A 45-year-old lady presents with chronic intermittent hand eczema. She has

a 2+ reaction to thiuram mix on patch testing. She works in the clothing

industry. Discuss the relevance of this result in this lady.


2 a) Discuss photoallergic and phototoxic drug eruptions.

b) Write short notes on:

i) palisading granulomas

ii) angioendotheliomatosis

iii) emperipolesis.


3 Discuss

a) Graft versus host disease.

b) Bartonella infections and the skin.

c) Your approach to managing a neonate with a 10 x 5 cm congenital naevus

on the back.


4 Discuss

a) The laboratory tests for HIV infection.

b) Drug induced pseudoporphyrias.

c) Cryoglobulinaemias.


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë van Suid-Afrika

29 Augustus 2007

Vraestel I Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 a) Wat is infektiewe dermatitis en watter bewyse is daar dat dit ‘n eiesoortige,

siekte is?

b) Velbevogtigers word wyd gebruik in dermatologie. Bepreek die bewyse vir

hul nut en effek op die velskansfunksie.

c) ‘n 45-jaar-oue dame doen voor met chroniese, intermitterende handekseem.

Sy toon ‘n 2+ reaksie teen thiuram met plaktoetse. Sy werk in die klereindustrie.

Bespreek die toepaslikheid van hierdie resultaat in hierdie dame.


2 a) Bespreek foto-allergiese- en fototoksiese geneesmiddelreaksies.

b) Skryf kort notas oor:

i) palisaderende granulome

ii) angio-endoteliomatose

iii) emperipolesis.


3 Bespreek

a) Oorplanting versus gasheer-siekte (Graft-versus-host disease)

b) Bartonella infeksies en die vel

c) U benadering tot die hantering van ’n neonaat met ’n 10 x 5 cm kongenitale

nevus op die rug.


4 Bespreek

a) Bespreek die toets vir MIV infeksie.

b) Middel-geïndusseerde pseudoporfirieë.

c) Krioglobulinemië.


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists of South Africa

30 August 2007

Paper II Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is

required for the one answer)

1 a) An African man presents with porphyria. You prescribe sunscreen use.

Discuss your choice of sunscreen for this patient and the potential side

effects of chronic use that you would advise him of.

b) Discuss the concept of pre-malignancy with reference to your management

of actinic keratoses.

c) You are asked to provide guidelines for the management of itchy red bump

disease / papular pruritic eruption of HIV for primary care. List with brief

explanatory notes your treatment plan.


2 Discuss

a) Cutaneous manifestations of antiretroviral therapy.

b) The application of immunohistopathology in dermatological diagnosis.


3 a) Describe your approach to managing an infant with hypopigmented skin

patches on the back which have been present since birth.

b) An 11-month-old baby is brought to you with the problem of a napkin rash

which fails to respond to treatment prescribed by the GP. What advice would

you propose to the parents and discuss your management of this baby.


4 Write notes on:

a) evidence based medicine

b) ANCA positive vasculitides

c) drug management of arthropathies.


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë van Suid-Afrika

30 Augustus 2007

Vraestel II Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 a) ‘n Man van Afrika-afkoms doen voor met porfirie. U skryf die gebruik van

sonskerms voor. Bespreek u keuse van sonskerm vir hierdie pasiënt en die

potensiële newe-effekte van chroniese gebruik waaroor u hom sou raad gee.

b) Bespreek die begrip van pre-maligniteit met verwysing na u hantering van

aktiniese keratoses.

c) U word gevra om riglyne te verskaf vir die hantering van “jeukende rooi

knoppie-siekte” (itchy red bump disease) / pruritiese papulêre erupsie van

MIV vir primêre gesondheid. Lys, met kort verduidelikende notas, u



2 Bespreek

a) Die kutane manifestasies van antiretrovirale terapie.

b) Die gebruik van immunohistopatologie in dermatologiese diagnose.


3 a) Beskryf u benadering tot die hantering van ‘n baba met hipopigmenteerde

kolle op die rug wat sedert geboorte teenwoordig is.

b) ‘n 11-maand-oue baba word na u gebring met die probleem van ‘n

luieruitslag wat nie reageer op behandeling wat deur die Algemene Praktisyn

voorgeskryf is nie. Watter raad sou u aan die ouers voorstel en bespreek u

hantering van hierdie baba.


4 Skryf notas oor

a) Bewysgebaseerde geneeskunde.

b) ANCA-positiewe vaskulitisse.

c) Hantering van artropatieë met geneesmiddels
FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

25 March 2008

Paper I Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is

required for the one answer)

1 Write an essay on the differential diagnosis of a mass on the head of a neonate.


2 Briefly discuss:

a) the potential complications associated with biological agents used for

psoriasis (9)

b) the dermatoscopic features of melanoma (8)

c) the diagnosis and treatment of gram negative folliculitis. (8)


3 Write notes on:

a) lipodermatosclerosis (8)

b) corynebacterium skin infections (9)

c) atrophie blanche. (8)


4 Contrast the features on history, clinical examination, radiology and special

investigations of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and lobar pneumonia. Discuss

briefly the appropriate therapy for each. [25]

GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

25 Maart 2008

Vraestel I Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Skryf ’n opstel oor die differensiële diagnose van ’n massa op die kop van ‘n

neonaat. [25]

2 Bespreek kortliks:

a) die potensiële komplikasies geassossieer met biologiese middels wat gebruik

word vir psoriase (9)

b) die dermatoskopiese eienskappe van melanoom (8)

c) die diagnose en behandeling van gram-negatiewe follikulitis. (8)


3 Skryf notas oor:

a) lipodermatosklerose (8)

b) corynebacterium velinfeksies (9)

c) atrophie blanche. (8)


4 Kontrasteer die eienskappe van Pneumocystis carinii pneumonie en lobêre

pneumonie op geskiedenis, kliniese ondersoek, radiologie en spesiale ondersoeke.

Bespreek kortliks die toepaslike behandeling vir elkeen. [25]

FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

26 March 2008

Paper II Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is

required for the one answer)

1 Write short notes on:

a) interferon gamma releasing assays (8)

b) intralesional corticosteroid treatment (8)

c) panniculitis characterised by the presence of crystals. (9)


2 Write short notes on:

a) the similarities and differences between port wine stains and haemangiomas


b) the differential diagnosis and management of a penile ulcer (9)

c) the differential diagnosis of periorbital oedema. (8)


3 Discuss in detail, the mucocutaneous manifestations of all the human herpes virus

infections. [25]

4 A 23-year-old female with proven systemic lupus erythematosus stable on no

treatment presents, with sudden shortness of breath, a reduced urine output,

haematuria and heavy proteinuria. Discuss the likely diagnosis and how detailed

examination of the urine and blood would support the diagnosis. What would be

your immediate management and therapy? [25]

GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

26 Maart 2008

Vraestel II Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Skryf kort notas oor:

a) interferon gamma vrystellings essays (8)

b) intralesionale kortikosteroïed behandeling (8)

c) pannikulitis gekenmerk deur die teenwoordigheid van kristalle. (9)


2 Skryf kort notas oor:

a) die ooreenkomste en verskille tussen portwynvlekke en hemangiome (8)

b) die differensiële diagnose en hantering van ’n peniele ulkus (9)

c) die differensiële diagnose van peri-orbitale edeem. (8)


3 Bespreek in besonderhede die mukokutane manifestasies van al die menslike

herpesvirusinfeksies. [25]

4 ’n 23-jarige vrou met bewysde sistemiese lupus eritematose, stabiel sonder

behandeling, doen voor met skielike kortasemheid, verminderde uriene-uitskeiding,

hematurie en erge proteïenurie. Bespreek die waarskynlike diagnose en hoe

gedetaileerde ondersoek van die uriene en bloed die diagnose sou ondersteun.

Wat sou u onmiddellike hantering en behandeling wees? [25
FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

2 September 2008

Paper I Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is

required for the one answer)

1 a) Discuss the histopathological differential diagnosis of a lesion showing a

normal epidermis and a superficial and deep inflammatory infiltrate

containing large numbers of eosinophils. (13)

b) Discuss the entity “infundibulocystic squamous cell carcinoma” and its

relation to keratoacanthoma. (12)


2 Discuss haemachromatosis.


3 A newborn presents with a generalized vesiculopapular eruption. Discuss the

relevant approach to the differential diagnosis and investigations thereof.


4 a) Briefly discuss the Herpes Zoster vaccine. (8)

b) Diet causes acne: support or refute this statement. (7)

c) Discuss briefly Spitz neavus. (10)


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

2 September 2008

Vraestel I Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 a) Bespreek die histopatologiese differensiële diagnose van ʼn letsel wat ʼn

normale epidermis toon met ʼn oppervlakkige en diep inflammatoriese

infiltraat wat groot getalle eosinofiele bevat. (13)

b) Bespreek die entiteit “infundibulosistiese plaveiselkarsinoom” en die

verhouding daarvan tot keratoakantoom. (12)


2 Bespreek hemochromatose.


3 ʼn pasgeborene doen voor met ʼn veralgemeende, vesikulopapulêre uitslag.

Bespreek die gepaste benadering tot die differensiële diagnose en ondersoek



4 a) Bespreek die Herpes Zoster vaksien kortliks. (8)

b) Diëet veroorsaak aknee: ondersteun of weerlê hierdie stelling. (7)

c) Bespreek Spitz nevus kortliks. (10)


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

3 September 2008

Paper II Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is

required for the one answer)

1 a) A 35-year-old female patient presents with gangrene of the distal portions of

all her fingers and toes, with the rest of her skin completely normal. This

developed over a period of 5 days. She was healthy up to the point of the

appearance of these lesions. Discuss the desired approach to the

management of this case with reference to clinical and special investigations

to be done and the interpretation thereof, treatment and prognosis. (20)

b) What is the pathogenesis of calciphylaxis? (5)


2 Discuss an approach to hyponatraemia.


3 Briefly discuss the following

a) Pemphigoid gestationis.

b) Paraneoplastic pemphigus.


4 a) Discuss the mechanism of action, dermatological use and side effects of

epidermal growth factor inhibitors. (9)

b) Briefly discuss interstitial granulomatous dermatitis. (8)

c) Write short notes on epidermodysplasia verruciformis. (8)


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

3 September 2008

Vraestel II Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 a) ʼn 35-jarige vroulike pasiënt doen voor met gangreen van die distale

gedeeltes van al haar vingers en tone, met die res van haar vel heeltemal

normaal. Dit het oor ʼn tydperk van 5 dae ontwikkel. Sy was gesond tot met

die verskyning van die letsels. Bespreek die verlangde benadering tot die

hantering van hierdie geval met verwysing na kliniese en spesiale

ondersoeke wat gedoen moet word en die interpretasie daarvan,

behandeling en prognose. (20)

b) Wat is die patogenese van kalsifilakse? (5)


2 Bespreek ʼn benadering tot hiponatremie.


3 Bespreek die volgende kortliks

a) Pemfigus gestationis.

b) Paraneoplastiese pemfigus.


4 a) Bespreek die meganisme van werking, dermatologiese gebruik en neweeffekte

van die epidermale groeifaktor inhibitore. (9)

b) Bespreek interstisiële granulomateuse dermatitis kortliks. (8)

c) Skryf kort notas oor epidermodysplasia verruciformis. (8)

FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

2 September 2008

Paper I Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is

required for the one answer)

1 a) Discuss the histopathological differential diagnosis of a lesion showing a

normal epidermis and a superficial and deep inflammatory infiltrate

containing large numbers of eosinophils. (13)

b) Discuss the entity “infundibulocystic squamous cell carcinoma” and its

relation to keratoacanthoma. (12)


2 Discuss haemachromatosis.


3 A newborn presents with a generalized vesiculopapular eruption. Discuss the

relevant approach to the differential diagnosis and investigations thereof.


4 a) Briefly discuss the Herpes Zoster vaccine. (8)

b) Diet causes acne: support or refute this statement. (7)

c) Discuss briefly Spitz neavus. (10)


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

2 September 2008

Vraestel I Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 a) Bespreek die histopatologiese differensiële diagnose van ʼn letsel wat ʼn

normale epidermis toon met ʼn oppervlakkige en diep inflammatoriese

infiltraat wat groot getalle eosinofiele bevat. (13)

b) Bespreek die entiteit “infundibulosistiese plaveiselkarsinoom” en die

verhouding daarvan tot keratoakantoom. (12)


2 Bespreek hemochromatose.


3 ʼn pasgeborene doen voor met ʼn veralgemeende, vesikulopapulêre uitslag.

Bespreek die gepaste benadering tot die differensiële diagnose en ondersoek



4 a) Bespreek die Herpes Zoster vaksien kortliks. (8)

b) Diëet veroorsaak aknee: ondersteun of weerlê hierdie stelling. (7)

c) Bespreek Spitz nevus kortliks. (10)


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

3 September 2008

Paper II Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is

required for the one answer)

1 a) A 35-year-old female patient presents with gangrene of the distal portions of

all her fingers and toes, with the rest of her skin completely normal. This

developed over a period of 5 days. She was healthy up to the point of the

appearance of these lesions. Discuss the desired approach to the

management of this case with reference to clinical and special investigations

to be done and the interpretation thereof, treatment and prognosis. (20)

b) What is the pathogenesis of calciphylaxis? (5)


2 Discuss an approach to hyponatraemia.


3 Briefly discuss the following

a) Pemphigoid gestationis.

b) Paraneoplastic pemphigus.


4 a) Discuss the mechanism of action, dermatological use and side effects of

epidermal growth factor inhibitors. (9)

b) Briefly discuss interstitial granulomatous dermatitis. (8)

c) Write short notes on epidermodysplasia verruciformis. (8)


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

3 September 2008

Vraestel II Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 a) ʼn 35-jarige vroulike pasiënt doen voor met gangreen van die distale

gedeeltes van al haar vingers en tone, met die res van haar vel heeltemal

normaal. Dit het oor ʼn tydperk van 5 dae ontwikkel. Sy was gesond tot met

die verskyning van die letsels. Bespreek die verlangde benadering tot die

hantering van hierdie geval met verwysing na kliniese en spesiale

ondersoeke wat gedoen moet word en die interpretasie daarvan,

behandeling en prognose. (20)

b) Wat is die patogenese van kalsifilakse? (5)


2 Bespreek ʼn benadering tot hiponatremie.


3 Bespreek die volgende kortliks

a) Pemfigus gestationis.

b) Paraneoplastiese pemfigus.


4 a) Bespreek die meganisme van werking, dermatologiese gebruik en neweeffekte

van die epidermale groeifaktor inhibitore. (9)

b) Bespreek interstisiële granulomateuse dermatitis kortliks. (8)

c) Skryf kort notas oor epidermodysplasia verruciformis. (8)

FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

17 March 2009

Paper I Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

1 Write notes on:

a) clinical simulators of a melanoma (10)

b) vulvodynia (5)

c) benign neoplasms of the nail unit. (10)


2 Write notes on:

a) leukemia cutis (7)

b) cutaneous leiomyoma (8)

c) granulomatous slack skin. (10)


3 Discuss the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of the following drugs used in dermatology.

a) Cyclophosphamide.

b) Imuran (Azathioprine).

c) Interferons.


4 Discuss

a) Warts are common. Discuss the evidence for their role in epithelial malignancies. (10)

b) Tars are used extensively in dermatology. Discuss evidence for and against their effectiveness and safety. (10)

c) Discuss the evidence for and against the use of steroids in psoriasis. (5)


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

17 March 2009

Vraestel I Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Skryf aantekeninge oor:

a) kliniese nabootsers van ‘n melanoom (10)

b) vulvodinie (5)

c) benigne neoplasmas van die naeleenheid. (10)


2 Skryf aantekeninge oor:

a) leukemia cutis (7)

b) kutane leiomioom (8)

c) granulomateuse laks vel. (10)


3 Bespreek die farmakologie en farmakokinetika van die volgende middels gebruik in


a) siklofosfamied

b) Imuran

c) Interferons.


4 Bespreek

a) Vratte is algemeen. Bespreek die bewyse vir hul rol in epiteelmaligniteite. (10)

b) Teerpreparate word wyd gebruik in dermatologie. Bespreek bewyse vir en teen hul effektiwiteit en veiligheid. (10)

c) Bespreek die bewyse vir en teen die gebruik van steroïede in psoriase. (5)


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

18 March 2009

Paper II Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

1 Discuss the dermatopathology of cell poor subepidermal blisters.


2 Discuss

a) Parasitic infestations in man, confined to the skin. (10)

b) Reversal reactions in leprosy. (10)

c) Ivermectin. (5)


3 Discuss and write notes on

a) Clinical and histological classification of the vasculitides. (10)

b) Cryoglobulins and cryoglobulinemia. (5)

c) Serological assays for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis. (10)


4 Write notes on

a) Parasites are good for you. Discuss the evidence for their role in atopy. (10)

b) Discuss textiles as allergens. (7)

c) A 30-year-old diabetic presents with acute blisters and erosions of the feet and ankle. Outline your approach to investigating and treating this patient. (8)


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

18 March 2009

Vraestel II Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Bespreek die dermatopatologie van sel-arm subepidermale blase.


2 Bespreek

a) Parasitiese infestasies in die mens, beperk tot die vel. (10)

b) Omkeerreaksies in leprose. (10)

c) Ivermectin. (5)


3 Bespreek en skryf notas oor

a) Kliniese- en histologiese klassifikasie van die vaskulitisse. (10)

b) Krioglobuliene en krioglobulinemie. (5)

c) Serologiese assays vir die diagnose van tuberkulose. (10)


4 Skryf aantekeninge oor

a) Parasiete is goed vir jou. Bespreek die bewyse vir hul rol in atopie. (10)

b) Bespreek tekstiele as allergene. (7)

c) ‘n 30-jarige diabeet doen voor met akute aankoms van blase en erosies van die voete en enkel. Omskryf u benadering tot die ondersoek en behandeling van hierdie pasiënt. (8)


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

17 March 2009

Paper I Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

1 Write notes on:

a) clinical simulators of a melanoma (10)

b) vulvodynia (5)

c) benign neoplasms of the nail unit. (10)


2 Write notes on:

a) leukemia cutis (7)

b) cutaneous leiomyoma (8)

c) granulomatous slack skin. (10)


3 Discuss the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of the following drugs used in dermatology.

a) Cyclophosphamide.

b) Imuran (Azathioprine).

c) Interferons.


4 Discuss

a) Warts are common. Discuss the evidence for their role in epithelial malignancies. (10)

b) Tars are used extensively in dermatology. Discuss evidence for and against their effectiveness and safety. (10)

c) Discuss the evidence for and against the use of steroids in psoriasis. (5)


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

17 March 2009

Vraestel I Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Skryf aantekeninge oor:

a) kliniese nabootsers van ‘n melanoom (10)

b) vulvodinie (5)

c) benigne neoplasmas van die naeleenheid. (10)


2 Skryf aantekeninge oor:

a) leukemia cutis (7)

b) kutane leiomioom (8)

c) granulomateuse laks vel. (10)


3 Bespreek die farmakologie en farmakokinetika van die volgende middels gebruik in


a) siklofosfamied

b) Imuran

c) Interferons.


4 Bespreek

a) Vratte is algemeen. Bespreek die bewyse vir hul rol in epiteelmaligniteite. (10)

b) Teerpreparate word wyd gebruik in dermatologie. Bespreek bewyse vir en teen hul effektiwiteit en veiligheid. (10)

c) Bespreek die bewyse vir en teen die gebruik van steroïede in psoriase. (5)


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists (SA)

18 March 2009

Paper II Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

1 Discuss the dermatopathology of cell poor subepidermal blisters.


2 Discuss

a) Parasitic infestations in man, confined to the skin. (10)

b) Reversal reactions in leprosy. (10)

c) Ivermectin. (5)


3 Discuss and write notes on

a) Clinical and histological classification of the vasculitides. (10)

b) Cryoglobulins and cryoglobulinemia. (5)

c) Serological assays for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis. (10)


4 Write notes on

a) Parasites are good for you. Discuss the evidence for their role in atopy. (10)

b) Discuss textiles as allergens. (7)

c) A 30-year-old diabetic presents with acute blisters and erosions of the feet and ankle. Outline your approach to investigating and treating this patient. (8)


GK Derm(SA) Deel II


Ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk

Reg Nr 1955/000003/08

Deel II van die Eksamen vir die Genootskap van die

Kollege van Dermatoloë (SA)

18 March 2009

Vraestel II Beginsels en Praktyk van Dermatologie (3 uur)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Bespreek die dermatopatologie van sel-arm subepidermale blase.


2 Bespreek

a) Parasitiese infestasies in die mens, beperk tot die vel. (10)

b) Omkeerreaksies in leprose. (10)

c) Ivermectin. (5)


3 Bespreek en skryf notas oor

a) Kliniese- en histologiese klassifikasie van die vaskulitisse. (10)

b) Krioglobuliene en krioglobulinemie. (5)

c) Serologiese assays vir die diagnose van tuberkulose. (10)


4 Skryf aantekeninge oor

a) Parasiete is goed vir jou. Bespreek die bewyse vir hul rol in atopie. (10)

b) Bespreek tekstiele as allergene. (7)

c) ‘n 30-jarige diabeet doen voor met akute aankoms van blase en erosies van die voete en enkel. Omskryf u benadering tot die ondersoek en behandeling van hierdie pasiënt. (8)



Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists of South Africa

18 August 2009

Paper I Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Discuss an approach to acral gangrene. Bespreek ’n benadering tot akrale gangreen. [25]

2 Write notes on

Skryf aantekeninge oor

a) The management of oral erosive lichen planus. Die hantering van orale erosiewe ligen planus. (12)

b) The pathology and management of a 30-year-old man presenting with a 10-year history of painful nodules and discharging sinuses of the axillae, groin and buttocks.

Die patologie en hantering van ’n 30-jarige man wat presenteer met ’n 10-jaar geskiedenis van pynlike nodules en dreinerende sinusse van die oksels, inguinale gebied en boude. (13)


3 Discuss the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of the following drugs

Bespreek die farmakologie en farmakokinetika van die volgende middels

a) Antimalarials. Antimalaria-middels. (10) b) Acyclovir. Asiklovir. (5) c) Dapsone. Dapsoon. (10)


4 Write notes on the dermatopathology of

Skryf aantekeninge oor die dermatopatologie van

a) Lichen sclerosus.

Lichen sclerosus. (8) b) Herpes simplex.

Herpes simplex. (9)

c) Bullous lupus erythematosus.

Bulleuse lupus eritematose. (8)


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part II of the Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists of South Africa

19 August 2009

Paper II Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Discuss


a) Prognostic factors in the management of alopecia areata.

Prognostiese faktore in die hantering van alopesie areata. (10) b) Zinc deficiency.

Sinktekort. (15)


2 Write short notes on

Skryf kort aantekeninge oor

a) Prenatal diagnosis in dermatology.

Prenatale (voorgeboortelike) diagnose in dermatologie. (8) b) Erythrasma.

Eritrasma. (8) c) Subcorneal pustular dermatosis.

Subkorneale pustulêre dermatose. (9) [25]

3 Discuss pyoderma gangrenosum in detail. Bespreek pioderma gangrenosum in detail. [25]

4 Write short notes on

Skryf kort aantekeninge oor

a) Swimming pool granuloma.

“Swimming pool” granuloom. (10)

b) The use of methotrexate in dermatology.

Die gebruik van metotreksaat in dermatologie. (15)


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Final examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists of South Africa

16 March 2010

Paper I Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than

one is required for the one answer)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 a) Write notes on central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia. (CCCA) (8)

b) Briefly discuss Merkel cell carcinoma. (7)

c) Discuss your approach to the prevention and management of the ocular

complications of Stevens- Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. (10)


1 a) Skryf notas oor sentrale sentrifugale sikatrisiële alopesie. (SSSA) (8)

b) Bespreek Merkelselkarsinoom in kort. (7)

c) Bespreek u benadering tot die voorkoming en hantering van die okulêre

komplikasies van Stevens-Johnson sindroom en toksiese epidermale

nekroliese. (10)


2 a) Write notes on chloracne. (5)

b) Briefly discuss lymphangioma circumscriptum. (10)

c) Discuss pemphigoid gestationis and its effect on pregnancy. (10)


2 a) Skryf notas oor chloracne. (5)

b) Bespreek limfangioma sirkumskriptum in kort. (10)

c) Bespreek pemfigoïed gestationis en die effek daarvan op swangerskap. (10)


3 Write notes on

a) Gram negative folliculitis. (7)

b) Dermatoses associated with Malassezia furfur. (8)

c) The approach to acne patients who are poor responders to isotretinoin

therapy. (10)


3 Skryf notas oor

a) Gram negatiewe follikulitis. (7)

b) Dermatoses geassossieerd met Malassezia furfur. (8)

c) Die benadering tot aknee pasiënte wat swak reageer op isotretinoïen terapie. (10)


4 a) Write short notes on the preparation and management of a patient about to start

TNF blocker therapy. (9)

b) Write short notes on the diagnosis (clinical and laboratory) of primary HIV infection

(seroconversion) and the basic management of the patient. (8)

c) Write short notes on the recommencement of anti-TB therapy where it was

stopped due to a severe skin rash or drug induced hepatitis. (8)


4 a) Skryf kort notas oor die voorbereiding en hantering van ʼn pasiënt wat binnekort op

TNF blokker terapie gaan begin. (9)

b) Skryf kort notas oor die diagnose (klinies en laboratorium) van primêre MIV infeksie

(serokonversie) en die basiese hantering van die pasiënt. (8)

c) Skryf kort notas oor die hervatting van anti-tuberkuleuse behandeling in ʼn pasiënt

waar die behandeling gestaak is vir ernstige middel newe-effekte soos veluitslag of

middel geïndusseerde hepatitis. (8)


FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain

Reg No 1955/000003/08

Final examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Dermatologists of South Africa

17 March 2010

Principles and Practice of Dermatology

Paper II (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than

one is required for the one answer)

Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is

vir ’n vraag) geskryf word

1 Discuss acantholysis and the different types thereof, the different mechanisms

involved, the histopathological presentations of each and name the clinical conditions

associated with each type. Do not elaborate on the clinical presentations. [25]

1 Bespreek akantolise en die verskillende tipes daarvan, die verskillende meganismes

betrokke, die histopatologiese voorkoms van elk en noem die kliniese toestande

geassossieerd met elk. Moenie uitbrei op die kliniese beelde nie. [25]

2 Write notes on

a) Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. (7)

b) Prenatal diagnosis in dermatology. (10)

c) Management of infantile haemangioma. (8)


2 Skryf notas oor

a) Epidermolitiese hiperkeratose. (7)

b) Prenatale diagnose in dermatologie. (10)

c) Hantering van infantiele hemangiomata. (8)


3 a) An 8-month-old child presents with failure to thrive. What clinical features

with special reference to the skin, would suggest an immunocompromised state?

How would you confirm your diagnosis? (15)

b) A child with patches of hypopigmentation of the buttock is referred to you for

an opinion. Outline your response to this referral. (10)


3 a) ʼn 8-Maande-oue kind doen voor met groeivertraging en swak ordering.

Watter kliniese eienskappe, met spesiale verwysing na die vel, sou

ʼn immuungekompromiteerde staat suggereer? Hoe sou u u diagnose

bevestig? (15)

b) ʼn Kind met kolle van hipopigmentasie op die boud is na u verwys vir ʼn

opinie. Omskryf u respons tot hierdie verwysing. (10)


PTO/Page 2 Question 4...

4 a) A patient from an old age home presents with crusted scabies. Outline

a management plan for the matron of the home. (12)

b) A 60-year-old man presents with erythroderma on a background

of atopy and hypertension. His regular medication includes enalapril

hydralazine and inhalers. Clinical examination suggests possible photo-exposure

dermatitis. Outline your clinical approach and management of this patient. (13)


4 a) ʼn Pasiënt uit ʼn ouetehuis doen voor met gekorste skabies. Omskryf ʼn

hanteringsplan vir die matrone van die tehuis. (12)

b) ʼn 60-Jaar-oue man doen voor met eritrodermie in ʼn agtergrond van atopie

en hipertensie. Sy gereelde medikasie sluit enalapril, hidralasien en

inhalasiemiddels in. Kliniese ondersoek suggereer moontlike

fotoblootstellingsdermatitis. Omskryf u kliniese benadering tot en hantering

van hierdie pasiënt. (13)


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